Anti-fatigue lenses guide

A guide to anti-fatigue lenses

Does this sounds familiar?

It's the end of your day. Your eyes are frazzled. It's a struggle to keep them open. Any more screen-time and you might just cry.

If your prescription has digits in the ADD box, you could use multifocal lenses. But with a low ADD, perhaps you're not quite ready for them yet.

Maybe there's an in-between solution? (Not varifocals. Not bifocals either.)

Let’s take a closer look at anti-fatigue lenses and how they can help more than just your single visions.


What are anti-fatigue lenses?


Anti-fatigue lenses provide two corrective powers. The upper portion of the lens aids your distance or intermediate-vision, whilst the lower portion alleviates the strain of close-vision tasks such as reading and screen work.


This little boost helps reduce the visual fatigue you get after long sessions of close-distance focus.

(Every day, right?)

A handy way to get rid of eye strain, blurred vision and even those nasty headaches after a long day at work.

If these sound ideal, please contact our lens lab about their 'Smart Boost HD lenses.


"Our survey involving 2,000 British adults revealed that the respondents spend 4,866 hours a year staring at screens, whether they're phones, laptops, TVs, gaming devices or e-readers.

That means the average adult spends an astonishing 34 years staring at screens."

Vision Direct


Do I need anti-fatigue lenses?

Anti-fatigue lenses are especially helpful if you do a lot of close-vision work. Working with screens all day is the norm and if you already use distance single-vision lenses, anti-fatigue may be the perfect solution for you.

During the working day, the ciliary muscles in your eyes are under constant contraction to focus your eyes on a close distance screen. Over time, this contraction is what causes the strain you’re experiencing.

Anti-fatigue lenses gently reduce this strain to minimise your visual fatigue.


Anti-fatigue lenses cost

In 2021, CR39 anti-fatigue lenses start at approximately £120 including anti-glare and and-scratch coatings in a standard (1.50) index.

Various options are available if you need thinner (high index) lenses. Click Explore More to get in touch if you’re considering them for your next glasses.


Are anti-fatigue lenses worth it?

At approximately three times the price of standard single vision lenses, anti-fatigue lenses are worth the extra cost if you experience visual fatigue after long durations of close distance tasks.

They can alleviate tired eyes, blurred vision and/or headaches from reading, writing or intense screen work.

Please contact our lens lab about their 'Smart Boost HD lenses.


Difference between progressive and anti-fatigue lenses

Anti-fatigue lenses are primarily for distance-vision correction but provide the additional benefit of close-vision aid in the lower portion of the lens. This is not the same as a progressive (varifocal) lens as these lenses provide specific correction for all three vision zones. Close, intermediate and distance.

For a more detailed comparison between anti-fatigue lenses vs progressive lenses, Explore More.


Who uses anti-fatigue lenses?

Anti-fatigue lenses are primarily used by those who already need distance single vision lenses but don’t yet require progressive lenses. Generally, if you’re below the age of 40, these lenses are a good solution for reducing visual fatigue for long durations of close-vision tasks.


Anti-fatigue lenses vs blue blocking

Anti-fatigue is a type of dual correction lens to aid close-vision tasks, whilst blue light blocking is a type of lens coating.

High energy visible light (HEV) is the invisible frequency of light emitted from digital screens which has been argued to affect sleep, visual fatigue and potentially the early onset of presbyopia.

To reduce your exposure to HEV, you can opt to have an anti-blue-light coating applied to your single vision, or multi-focal lenses. To learn more about the effects of blue light, click Explore More.


Can you wear anti-fatigue glasses all the time?

Like any corrective eyewear, you can wear anti-fatigue glasses all the time. The upper portion of these lenses will aid your distance vision whilst the lower portion will assist your close-vision focus.




Hopefully, you found this guide useful.

As there are so many lens types, materials, indexes and coatings, you can always contact our lens lab to ask them your questions.

Thanks for stopping by.


Limited edition eyewear. Released 6 times a year.